Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm | Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Centers for Independent Living

From the website for The Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living:

The Illinois Network of Centers for Independent Living (INCIL) is a statewide organization made up of 24 Centers for Independent Living (CILs) in Illinois. INCIL coordinates the activities and efforts of all CILs, resulting in a stronger, more unified voice to promote the needs and priorities of the CILs and the people they serve. Operated by the executive directors of these CILs, this aggressive core of leadership advocates for and works to ensure that all people are treated with respect and given the same opportunities in life, regardless of their abilities.

To find your local Center for Independent Living click here.

SILC – Statewide Independent Living Council

The Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois (SILC), formed in 1993, is a not-for-profit statewide planning organization. The Federal Rehabilitation Act requires each state to create an autonomous Statewide Independent Living Council to develop a state plan for independent living services and Centers for Independent Living. SILC develops the State Plan jointly with the Illinois Department of Rehabilitation Services in Illinois. SILC is not a service provider, nor does it fund or monitor services. SILC is a planning body. For more information, check their website at

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