Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm | Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Person Centered Planning

A Person Centered Plan is a tool for determining gifts, strengths, and needs as well as results oriented goals and objectives. By nature of the funding system in Illinois, agencies that provide adult services may find it difficult to provide person centered planning. Even though the funding is for services for the individual, the agency controls the money. Typically, funding supports programs that already exist within an agency. This makes it necessary for families to think creatively when working with agencies willing to support person centered planning. The person centered plan allows for more choices across agencies and their programs. Inherently in person centered planning is the opportunity to shop around for services.

Transition Services
Transition from High School to Adult Services – Main Page
Person Centered Planning
ISBE  Resources
Written Transition Plans in the IEP
Transition and DHS Division of Rehabilitation Services – Vocational Rehabilitation
Advocacy Toolbox – Main Page