The State of Illinois designee for Protection and Advocacy is Equip for Equality. The purpose of their program is: To prevent abuse, neglect and deaths of individuals with disabilities receiving services in any setting including community-based facilities and programs, nursing homes, hospitals and state-run mental health and developmental disability facilities in Illinois.
The Abuse Investigation Unit of Equip for Equality is serving as a multi-year national demonstration project to access the unique contribution an independent, non-governmental state Protection and Advocacy (P&A) System can make to enhance the performance of state investigatory systems and the safety of individuals with disabilities receiving publicly-supported services.
The Investigation Unit works in collaboration with public investigatory entities to enhance their performance and coordination with each other, conducts direct investigations when warranted, identifies abuse and neglect trends and patterns, alerts Advocacy/Service Providers about dangerous conditions, and promotes best practices. The Unit also shares its findings and recommendations with state agencies, and the public. For more information contact the Abuse Investigation Unit below.
Contact Information:
Abuse Investigation Unit
20 N. Michigan, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 341-0022 Se Habla Espanol ASL
(800) 537-2632
(800) 610-2779 (TTY)
(312) 341-0295 (Fax)
Abuse & Neglect
Abuse & Neglect – Main Page
Protection & Advocacy
Human Rights Authority
Advocacy Toolbox – Main Page