“I wanted to thank you for all your help. You answered all my questions for me and pointed me in the right direction on the web site. I have had a chance to look through the web site a little bit and it’s wonderful. I’m not sure who set it up or who’s idea it was…. but it was a WONDERFUL idea. Again, thank you so much for all your help.”
Steger, Illinois
“I had nowhere else to turn to get help for my child. So I went to Google, did a search, and came up with this site. I was put in touch with an Illinois Life Span advocate and she helped me and my child so much. She was extremely helpful, understanding, and supportive to us. It was so nice to finally find the help we needed through her.”
Pawnee, Illinois
“I used to do case coordination and my entire job was to find services for people with developmental disabilities. I used www.IllinoisLifeSpan.org extensively. I am doing a different job at my agency, but I still access Illinois Life Span to find services for the people I serve. It has been so helpful to in my job. I tell everyone to use Illinois Life Span.”
Pekin, Illinois
“Your website is awesome and has been a tremendous help to me, especially being new to Illinois.”
Peoria, Illinois
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! . . . We have had several occasions to utilize both the Illinois Life Span phone support and website. The information is concise, accurate and easy to use. The staff is their greatest asset. Not only did I get the information that I needed but they took the time to call me back to make sure it all worked out for me. What a great asset for Illinois.”
Bloomington, Illinois
“Thank you so much for your tireless efforts. It does not go unnoticed.”
Anonymous Website User