The Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Rehabilitation Services (DHS DRS) offers a variety of supports to individuals with disabilities. Illinois DHS DRS programs help high school students who have disabilities plan for their futures through Transition and STEP programs. STEP is an evaluation, training, and employment program that prepares students with disabilities for transition to employment and optimum community participation during and after high school.
The DHS DRS Supported Employment Program (SEP) serves eligible people with significant disabilities who want to go to work and need on-going support services to succeed on the job.
Many people with disabilities of working age (16-64 years old) are eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation or VR services. To be eligible, they need to have a significant physical or mental impairment that makes it difficult to go to work. To find out if you or your loved one qualifies, contact the nearest of 51 local offices throughout Illinois. Use the DHS Office Locator and search their website for additional information. Call toll-free: (800)843-6154 (Voice, English or Español) or (800)447-6404 (TTY).
Transition Services
Transition from High School to Adult Services – Main Page
Person Centered Planning
ISBE and TOTAL Project Resources
Written Transition Plans in the IEP
Transition and DHS Division of Rehabilitation Services – Vocational Rehabilitation
Advocacy Toolbox – Main Page