Illinois Life Span (ILS) is a program of The Arc of Illinois – a statewide advocacy organization committed to empowering persons with disabilities to achieve full participation in community life through informed choices. The Illinois Life Span Program has been in existence since 2001, providing information and resources on advocacy, supports and services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities of all ages, their family members, and others statewide.
The Illinois Life Span website includes contact information for disability specific resources statewide and by county. Additional information available includes Important School and Transition Resources, an Advocacy Toolbox designed to provide basic information to help navigate the Illinois disability system, and an extensive Links section.
We hope that you are able to find the resources for which you are searching on the Illinois Life Span website, but please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-800-588-7002 if you need help! We are open during regular business hours, Monday through Friday.
Don’t forget to check out our partner organizations, The Arc of Illinois at, The Arc of Illinois Family to Family Health Information Center at, The Family Support Network of Illinois at, and the Ligas Family Advocates Program at Thank you for visiting!
For more information: