Mon - Thurs: 9:00am - 5:00pm | Fri: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Children’s Services

Children’s Services and PUNS Services for children with developmental disabilities are accessed primarily through the special education services provided by local school districts.

Early Intervention

Early Intervention services are available in Illinois for children from birth to age three who demonstrate a developmental delay or who are diagnosed with a developmental disability.

Special Education Services

Special Education Services are available to students with disabilities from age 3 until they graduate or until the day before their 22nd birthday, as long as the need for services is indicated in the Individualized Education Plan or IEP.

Early Childhood Special Education

Early Childhood Special Education serves children ages three to five who have developmental delays or disabilities. These programs are part of the special education continuum operated by the public schools of Illinois.


Before a family looks into any pre-designed program of transition for their child, it is important to have a vision of the child’s future.

Adult Services

Services for adults with developmental disabilities are accessed through Independent Service Coordination (ISC) agencies.

Government Benefits Program

Government Benefit Programs are an integral part of the service system for people with disabilities. Although they can be complicated, it is important to understand how to access and utilize these benefits.

Advocacy Groups

Advocacy is a very broad category that includes organizations that support people with disabilities and their families in a variety of different ways.

Recreation and Leisure Providers/Programs

Recreation is an important part of life for people of every age. Children need opportunities to meet and play with their peers and adults need opportunities to participate in activities they enjoy to lead full lives.

Assistive Technology

Any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities is considered to be assistive technology(AT).

Abuse and Neglect

The Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) handles all reports of alleged abuse against persons with disabilities aged 18-59 who live in domestic (non-institutional) settings.

Respite Services

The National Respite Locator Services of ARCH National Respite Network describes respite as follows: “Respite, a break for caregivers and families, is a service in which temporary care is provided to a child or adult with disabilities, or chronic or terminal illnesses, and to persons at risk of abuse and neglect.

Special Needs Future Planning for Benefits, Legal and Financial Issues

People with disabilities and their families need to understand government benefits that may be available and how those benefits are impacted by other financial circumstances, such as work.

The Arc of Illinois Fact Sheets

NEW! Fact Book ¡Recién publicado!!  Lanzamiento de  Folleto de Hojas Informativas de The Arc en Español Community Living Options for Older Adults with Disabilities Connect the Dots Transition Tool Connect the Dots Transition Tool – Spanish Considering a Move To, or Within, Illinois? Considering a Move to, or Within, Illinois? – Spanish DDD v DRS... Read more »

Moving to the Community

Making the transition from a state operated developmental center (SODC) to a home in the community can be a challenge for the individual making the move as well as for their guardian and close family members and friends.

Pulled from PUNS – What’s Next?

You have been selected from the PUNS list – what’s next? The PUNS list is simply a waiting list for in Illinois for adult developmental disability support services funding through the Medicaid Home and Community Based Waiver program.

Covid-19 Information

Covid-19 Materials for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Covid-19 Materials for Families or Professionals who Care for People with Disabilities General Information of Covid-19 Covid-19 Vaccine Information