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Date(s) - 01/29/2019
All Day

Doubletree Hotel


JANUARY 29, 2019
DoubleTree Hotel, Alsip, IL 
8:30 – 10:15 a.m. – “Building Community Through Social Capital”  Presented by Al Condeluci, Ph.D.
All individuals with disabilities and their family members (as well as professionals who are involved with the family) are interested in seeing themselves or their son/daughter/relative be successful in life.  In fact, one of the biggest fear individuals and families have is that their loved one might be lonely or at serious risk when they are gone.  Although none of us can predict the future, we can look at ways and means to better prepare for the future by understanding the impact of friendships in our lives.  Sociologists call this “social capital” and it is amazing what our relationships do for us.  This session will help you think about how friendships can be better developed over time, and, in turn, build a more inclusive community.

¨ Participants will understand the historical development related to difference, disability, aging and other devaluing aspects.
¨ Folks will be introduced to an Interdependent paradigm.
¨ Major elements of social capital will be overviewed.
¨ 4 key steps to developing more friendships will be explored.

10:15 – 10:30 a.m. –  BREAK

10:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. – “Building Community Through Social Capital” continued”

12:30 – 1:45 p.m. – Lunch
If you require a special meal, you must let us know before hand so we can accommodate 

BREAKOUT SESSIONS: 1:45 – 3:00 p.m.  &  3:15 – 4:30 p.m.
(You can see two out of the four different sessions. The 1:45 presentations will be repeated at 3:15 p.m.)

“Cops, Safety and the Dignity of Risk” – Bruce Handler and Nora Handler

“Government Benefits – What’s New, What’s True: Q to Q” – Sherri Schneider

“OUR RIGHTS RIGHT NOW! Empowering Survivors with Disabilities via the IL Imagines Project” – Tara Ahern

“Self-Advocacy Matters”– Krescene Beck

Click here to register online.

Click here to view the full brochure.