Date(s) - 09/26/2018
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Park Lawn School and Activity Center
Know Your Options
September 26 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
The Ligas Court Monitor will provide an update about Ligas.
Intended Audience: Ligas Class Members, Families, Professionals and Friends
Topics that will be discussed:
Options available for newly selected Ligas class members; information about Self Directed Assistant (SDA); steps you need to take in Planning for the Future of Children & Adults with Intellectual &/or Developmental Disabilities; the role of Access the Fiscal Agent if you choose Homebased Services, and steps that Access is taking in preparation for Electronic Verification!
Our Presenters:
Brian & Benji Rubin
Ronnie Cohn
Mary Dixon, LFA
Tasha Whiteside
Shirley Perez
Free light refreshments will be provided to participants.
To register for this event please email or call Shirley at 708-331-7370.