- PUNS stands for Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services.
- PUNS is a list of the people in Illinois with developmental disabilities who need services.
- PUNS is for everyone who may need help from the government to pay for developmental disability services now or in the future.
- PUNS is the first step toward getting services in Illinois. If you are not on the PUNS list, you are not on the waiting list for services.
- To get on PUNS, you need to set up a date to meet with a Pre-Admission Screener. These screeners will ask questions about you and your needs. These questions are part of the PUNS survey. All screeners work for Independent Service Coordination Agencies or ISC’s. To get on the PUNS list, you must have a developmental disability. If you don’t know if you have a developmental disability, the screener will help you.
- To find your ISC, use the Search box above this text. If you have additional questions, you may call Illinois Life Span at 1-800-588-7002. You can also call DHS at 1-888-DD-PLANS.
- When your PUNS survey is done, you are on the list. This doesn’t mean that you will get the services you need. It just means that you have made the first step.
- Some of the services that people may need are:
- In-Home Supports
- Respite Care
- Job Coaches
- Group Homes
- And many others
- There is not enough money to give everyone in Illinois the services they need. Right now, many people are working on a fair way to choose who gets services.
- Don’t forget to update your PUNS form every year. Only people (families) who have completed the PUNS – and keep it updated – have a chance of getting “picked” to receive services.
- If you have questions or need help, you can call Illinois Life Span at 1-800-588-7002 or visit the website at www.illinoislifespan.org
- If you want more information about PUNS or Home-Based Services, go to the Family Support Network website at www.familysupportnetwork.org or call 708-331-7370.
For more information about PUNS, please go to our Advocacy Toolbox.