Americans with Disabilities Act – Access to Medical Care for Individuals with Mobility Disabilities
(June 26, 2020 ) information from the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, Disability Rights Section.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Information on CMS Programs and Services
Disability Evaluation Under Social Security
This edition of Disability Evaluation Under Social Security,(also known as the Blue Book), has been specially prepared to provide physicians and other health professionals with an understanding of the disability programs administered by the Social Security Administration. It explains how each program works, and the kinds of information a health professional can furnish to help ensure sound and prompt decisions on disability claims.
IRS Guidance – Certain Medicaid Waiver Payments May Be Excludable From Income, March 2021
Individual care providers who receive Medicaid waiver payments for the care of eligible individuals in their homes and payers of Medicaid waiver payments have raised several questions not addressed in Notice 2014-7. The following questions and answers clarify the notice and provide guidance on the information reporting requirements, and the employment tax requirements for Medicaid waiver payments described in the notice.
Social Security Representative Payee Information
Social Security appoints a relative, friend, institution or other interested party to receive benefits on behalf of more than seven million people who need help managing their money. These representative payees use the benefits on the personʼs behalf and have to file a report every year showing how the funds were used. Until recently, this was done by filling out a paper report form and mailing it to Social Security. Now representative payees can submit their annual accounting reports online.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Information
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a Federal income supplement program funded by general tax revenues (not Social Security taxes): It is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income; and it provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter.
SSI Information from The Arc of IL
Information on SSI for families.
In Spanish: SSIInfoFinalSP-REV
USA.Gov – Disability Services
Find information for people with disabilities.
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
AIDD is dedicated to ensuring that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families are able to fully participate in and contribute to all aspects of community life in the United States and its territories.
U.S. Department of Labor – Office of Disability Employment Policy
Employment standards, administration, wage and hour division for workers with disabilities.
U.S. Dept. of Labor – Compliance Assistance – Family and Medical Leave Act
Information on the Family and Medical Leave Act.