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Currently, transition plans should be included in the IEP when the student reaches the age of 14 ½ . Under IDEA 2004, the age for including a transition plan in the IEP moved to 16. Illinois elected to continue with including transition plans in the IEP beginning at age 14 ½. The term transition, used here, refers to the student’s transition to independence or adulthood. The transition component of an IEP should focus on skills that the student will need to be as independent as possible in adulthood. These skills include money management, hygiene skills, time management, and introduction to meaningful work experiences, etc. For further information about the information included in a transition plan, click here to see the state IEP form available on the ISBE website. There are also instructions for the form and a power point presentation explaining the form on the ISBE site. Districts are not required to use this form but it can be beneficial to see what must be included.

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